Downside Primary School is an established five form entry school, which opened in September 2011.
We are a big school, but we work hard to ensure that we create a welcoming, caring atmosphere – where all children are praised and developed as individuals. Downside Primary School was judge to be a ‘good’ school in our most recent Ofsted inspection – January 2019
At Downside Primary School, we aim to:
- develop an enthusiasm and love for learning
- create a caring school where everyone’s voice is heard and valued
- provide opportunities for everyone to learn and develop in a safe and challenging environment
- offer an inspiring and exciting curriculum which provides knowledge and skills for life-long learning
- promote positive attitudes and enable children to become caring and active citizens
- value and respect diversity and enable children to develop the skills necessary to be positive role models in the community
- sow and nurture an awareness of the need to care for the natural environment
- encourage creativity and exploration in all areas of learning
- enable children to discover for themselves and lay foundations for independent learning
- actively promote an understanding and awareness of healthy living
Current performance tables for Downside Primary School are available via this LINK – Performance Measures Website
Current Ofsted report for Downside Primary School – HERE
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